Situs et Servitia solummodo integronibus aditus sunt qui pacta legalia iure vigente iniire possunt. Situs et Servitia non sunt ad usum illorum qui sub aetate duodeviginti (18) sunt. Si sub aetate duodeviginti (18) es, non habes veniam uti et/sive aditus habeas ad Situm et/aut Servitia.
Servizi del fornitore
Completando i moduli d’ordine d’acquisto pertinenti, è possibile ottenere o cercare di ottenere determinati prodotti e/o servizi dal Sito Web. I prodotti e/o servizi presenti sul Sito Web possono contenere descrizioni fornite direttamente dai produttori o distributori di terze parti di tali articoli. Il Software non rappresenta né garantisce che le descrizioni di tali articoli siano accurate o complete. Si comprende e si accetta che il Software non è responsabile o responsabile in alcun modo per l’incapacità di ottenere prodotti e/o servizi dal Sito Web o per eventuali controversie con i venditori, distributori e consumatori finali dei prodotti. Si comprende e si accetta che il Software non sarà responsabile nei confronti dell’utente o di terzi per qualsiasi reclamo in relazione a uno dei prodotti e/o servizi offerti sul Sito Web.
Par tempore – ad tempus, TheSoftware praestat promotionales munera et alia praemia per Contests. Praesenti vero et verace informatione coniunctam cum spectabile Contest forma registrationis et consensu ad Official Contest Rules applicable ad omne Contest, potes introire ad occasionem ad praemia promotionales oblata per singulos Contest. Ad introitum in Contests praesentia in Website, necesse est primum complevit spectabilem formam. Consensisti praebere vere, veracem, actualem et completam Contest Registration Data. TheSoftware habet ius ad repudiare aliquam Contest Registration Data ubi statuitur, in solam electionem et exclusive discretionem de TheSoftware, quod: (i) tu es in breach de aliqua parte de Agreement; et/aut (ii) Contest Registration Data quod praebuisti est incompletum, fraudulentum, duplicatum aut alioquin inacceptabile. TheSoftware potest mutare Registration Data criterium ad aliquod tempus, in suam solam discretionem.
As a user of the Website, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and limited license to access and use the Website, Content and associated material in accordance with the Agreement. TheSoftware may terminate this license at any time for any reason. You may use the Website and Content on one computer for your own personal, non-commercial use. No part of the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or transfer the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services or any portion thereof. TheSoftware reserves any rights not explicitly granted in the Agreement. You may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website. You may not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on TheSoftware’s infrastructure. Your right to use the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services is not transferable.
Le contentia, organisation, graphica, design, compilation, translation magnetice, conversion digital, software, servitios e altere res relationate al Website, Content, Contestes e Servitios es protegite sub copyright, trademarks e altere proprietat (inclusive, sed non limitate a, proprietat intellectual) rechtes applicabile. Le copia, redistribution, publication o vendita per te de ulle parte del Website, Content, Contestes e/o Servitios es strictemente prohibite. Retrievo systematic de material del Website, Content, Contestes e/o Servitios per medias automate o ulle altere forma de scraping o extraction de datos pro crear o compilation, directe o indirecte, un collection, compilation, database o directorio sin permission scripte ab TheSoftware es prohibite. Tu non acquira rechtes de proprietat a ulle content, documento, software, servitios o altere materiales visualisate in o per le Website, Content, Contestes e/o Servitios. Le publication de information o material in le Website, o per e a travese del Servitios, per TheSoftware non constitue un renuntiation a ulle rechte in o a tal information e/o materiales. Le nomine e logo de TheSoftware, e omne le graphicos, iconas e nomines de servitio associate, es trademarks de TheSoftware. Omne altere trademarks appariente in le Website o per e a travese del Servitios es le propietate de lor respectiv proprietarios. Le uso de ulle trademark sin le consensu scripte del proprietate applicabile es strictemente prohibite.
Unless expressly authorized by TheSoftware, no one may hyperlink the Website, or portions thereof (including, but not limited to, logotypes, trademarks, branding or copyrighted material), to their website or web venue for any reason. Further, framing the Website and/or referencing the Uniform Resource Locator ( URL ) of the Website in any commercial or non-commercial media without the prior, express, written permission of TheSoftware is strictly prohibited. You specifically agree to cooperate with the Website to remove or cease, as applicable, any such content or activity. You hereby acknowledge that you shall be liable for any and all damages associated therewith.
Reservedm in solam nostram discretionem ad emendandum et/aut delendum quaecumque documenta, informationes aliique contenta apparentia in Situ Web.
Visitors download information from the Website at their own risk. TheSoftware makes no warranty that such downloads are free of corrupting computer codes including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.
The Website may provide links to and/or refer you to other Internet websites and/or resources including, but not limited to, those owned and operated by Third Party Providers. Because TheSoftware has no control over such third party websites and/or resources, you hereby acknowledge and agree that TheSoftware is not responsible for the availability of such third party websites and/or resources. Furthermore, TheSoftware does not endorse, and is not responsible or liable for, any terms and conditions, privacy policies, content, advertising, services, products and/or other materials at or available from such third party websites or resources, or for any damages and/or losses arising therefrom.
Usus Paginae Internet, et omnes commentationes, responsiones, informationes, Registrationis Data et/autem materiae quas tu submittas per vel in consortionem cum Pagina Internet, subiectus est nostrae Legis Privatatis. Nos reservamus ius uti omni informatione de usu tuo Paginae Internet, et omni et omni alia informatione personaliter identificabili per te provisa, secundum leges nostrae Legis Privatatis. Ad videndum nostram Legem Privatitatis, quaeso Clicka Huc.
Qualiscunque conatu per unumquemque, sive TheSoftware cliens sit sive non, ad laesionem, destructionem, alterationem, vandalizationem et/sive aliam interficiendi operationem Website, est violatio iuris criminalis et civilis, et TheSoftware exequatur ad ultimum contra quaelibet personam aut entitatem violantem ex plenissimis remediis permissis lege et iustitia.